Assisting veterans has become a top priority of many organizations these days, including ours. There are approximately 18 million veterans in the U.S. today, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and many of them are not provided with necessary aid once they are back from war or leave the military. The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) works very hard to fulfill President Abraham Lincoln’s oath to care for veterans by offering health care, benefits, and other services; however, for many veterans, they have to seek additional assistance elsewhere.

Dozens of studies have shown that veterans suffer from conditions such as mental health disorders, injuries from trauma, and substance abuse issues more often than individuals who have not served in the military. Unfortunately, statistically this is not improving over time. In fact, a Census Bureau report from 2020 reported that “post 9-11 veterans have the highest rate of service-connected disability compared to any other group of veterans.” In other words, veterans need our help

The CEO of Many Ways to Help is a proud disabled veteran himself and has witnessed and experienced the dire need his veteran counterparts have for aid and assistance. While circumstances have improved in many ways throughout the past 20 years thanks to outreach programs and government assistance, the staggering number of veterans in need and the lack of resources many of them face is still devastating
Many Ways to Help provides veterans with housing, meals, and transportation to and from appointments. This is our way of giving back to those who have served our country to make it the great land it is today. We value and appreciate their military works and will do our best to repay them for their dedication to making the U.S. a safe place to live. By offering a place to stay and comradery with other clients, we can work towards improving the health and happiness of veterans as thanks for their commitment to the United States.

There are ways for all of us to do our part in assisting veterans. Aside from helping Many Ways to Help with our mission, if you are in a different area, you can also find local agencies or organizations to support wherever you live. Disabled American Veterans (DAV) is another non-profit organization that aims to do many of the things the team at Many Ways to Help does, including providing veterans with transportation at Veterans Affairs medical facilities throughout the U.S. and assisting them with their everyday living needs. You can also contribute to organizations such as Building Homes for Heroes and Homes for Our Troops, which both generously build homes for veterans.

Many Ways to Help is also grateful to partner with Marion County Veteran Services, which works with veterans to help them understand and receive their Veterans Administration benefits such as health care, compensation, education, and pensions. The work the organization does is invaluable to the veteran community and they even maintain the public Ocala-Marion County Veterans Memorial Park in honor of war veterans. You can find out more about the Marion County Veteran Services at its website.

Helping Veterans

Since we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we partially rely on donations from people like you so that we can continue to aid veterans, disabled adults, and young adults. We strive to provide our clients with attentive, caring assistance that helps them get through life more easily. To do this, we provide them with housing, food, basic necessities, advice, and/or transportation. Of course, this requires funding, and any donations are helpful in ensuring we can carry out our goals.